
Does company like Google use SAP software?
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Author:  stacy [ Thu Oct 25, 2018 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Does company like Google use SAP software?

Does company like Google use SAP software?

Author:  Nishant Singha [ Thu Oct 25, 2018 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does company like Google use SAP software?

There is divergence in the answers to this question”Does company like Google use SAP software?” Some answer this question with a Negative, as they inform that Google uses Oracle EBS or the E Business Suite of Oracle, instead of using SAP. Some are of this information that Google does use SAP. This has been reported in the SAP financial report of the year 2017, of the second quarter of the financial year. This report categorically mentions that Google is a customer of SAP and is using S/4 HANA.

SAP is an important accounting software because SAP HANA software provides a platform for the businesses, in the form of Enterprise Resource Planning. It helps in managing the separate data bases of that company, that runs the company. SAP helps in replacing all the spread sheets in a company. It uses a single user accounting package to do so, and functions within the business management system of the company.

Author:  Ridhi [ Wed Dec 02, 2020 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does company like Google use SAP software?

You will find mixed answers on the same. Same say that Google does not deploy any ERP while some say that Google does make use of Oracle EBS. I have learnt from sources that Google does use Oracle EBS. It is possible that the company may have greatly varied the amount of features and the utilities to suit their needs.

Author:  Chirag Sharma [ Wed Dec 02, 2020 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does company like Google use SAP software?

Why do you guys think Google will use ERP from another enterprise when it is self-sufficient in creating any such application? Not to forget that Google has cloud based ERP system, so there are little chances that it won’t use it.

Author:  admin [ Fri Jul 30, 2021 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does company like Google use SAP software?

Well to answer your question I.e., does google uses SAP, Yes Google has partnered with SAP systems. It has partnered with SAP so as to deliver SAP-certified infrastructure. Google in itself is a user of SAP S/4 HANA so it evident that Google uses SAP

Author:  Kiaan [ Wed Aug 04, 2021 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does company like Google use SAP software?

Google understands the importance of a good quality ERP system. Now to answer your question which ERP does Google use? Google uses Oracle EBS which itself is migrated to SAP.

Author:  Imrat Khanna [ Wed Jan 12, 2022 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does company like Google use SAP software?

There is no fixed answer to this question as some say yes while some say no. As per the negative replies, Google uses Oracle EBS or the E-Business suite of oracle instead of SAP. On the other hand, as per positive replies, google uses SAP. These all sayings are based on the SAP financial report that was published in 2017, the second quarter of the financial year. The report says that Google is a customer of SAP and it is using S/4 HANA. The SAP is essential accounting software that is used worldwide. Moreover, SAP HANA software offers you a platform for businesses in the form of enterprise resource planning. It helps in managing the separate databases of the company that are essential for running a company.

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