
Which is Best Linux or Windows?
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Author:  Anil Sharma [ Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Which is Best Linux or Windows?

Which is Best Linux or Windows?

Author:  Tanvi Bansal [ Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Which is Best Linux or Windows?

You will find all the web hosting plans coming in the two options of Windows and Linux shared servers. Both are strong and you can build powerful websites using either of the technologies. However, you must choose your server depending on how your website is built.

Linux is a free, open-source Unix based software and a very popular technology with a vast community of developers working on the applications fixing security patches and updates. Another benefit with Linux is its stability that allows it to run continuously without any hiccups. It seldom requires rebooting. Linux is available in many distributions such as Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat, Fedora. If your website is built using MySQL, PHP, Perl, Python etc, you should use the Linux servers.

If your web designers have built your website using MSSQL, MSACCESS, ASP.NET technologies you should opt for the Windows shared servers. Linux does not support any of these Microsoft technologies so you cannot migrate from Windows to Linux. However, you can easily shift from a Linux server to Windows server without affecting your site performance. Windows is more expensive than Linux as it’s a Microsoft product and all Microsoft products carry a license fee.

You must understand operating system does not matter. It all depends on your website necessities.

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