
What is it like to use Microsoft Azure in production?
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Author:  venay [ Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  What is it like to use Microsoft Azure in production?

What is it like to use Microsoft Azure in production?

Author:  Nishith [ Wed Nov 21, 2018 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is it like to use Microsoft Azure in production?

The features and enterprise level Cloud services of Microsoft Azure is same as other reputed and leading brands of providers of Cloud infrastructure. Therefore, it can be very safely assumed that the use of Microsoft Azure in production should be same as with any other reputed Cloud infrastructure providers.

Microsoft as a Cloud service provider, uses its own solution of Virtual Private Network or VPN. Especially at the time it creates S2S VPNs to their Cloud infrastructure. This set up has been identified as having certain difficulties.

Still using Microsoft Azure in production is just like any other Cloud environment, once Microsoft Azure Cloud service is set up. It depends on what the user runs on Microsoft Azure. It may be infrastructure as a Service, Software as a Service or a Platform as a Service. Everything depends on a proper set up. If the set up is done properly, the results will be fine in the operation.

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