
Is Microsoft Azure giving a stiff competition to Amazon
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Author:  Aastha gupta [ Fri Nov 02, 2018 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Is Microsoft Azure giving a stiff competition to Amazon

Is Microsoft Azure seriously giving a stiff competition to Amazon?

Author:  Nishant Singha [ Fri Nov 02, 2018 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Microsoft Azure giving a stiff competition to Amazon

Amazon web Services is in itself a very strong service. The core services of Amazon web services work excellently. Amazon Web Services is slowly but surely making itself a better performing service. All the new offerings of Amazon Web Services are designed to provide best of results.

Amazon Web Services is at the peak of the Cloud Infrastructure as a Service IaaS model. This is visible in the updated Magic Quadrant analysis.

Microsoft Azure is giving a tough competition to Amazon Web Services. Azure is a very serious platform and Microsoft is doing an excellent job with it. It provides auto scalability to its users. The users have the freedom to scale as per their business requirements. The users are happy with the scalabilityand performance, in Azure.

Azure hierarchic comes to a prestigious second after Amazon Web Services, because most of the users already rely upon Microsoft computer code.

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