
Create a VPN connection between two VPCs on Alibaba Cloud
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Author:  Alisha [ Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Create a VPN connection between two VPCs on Alibaba Cloud

How can I create a VPN connection between two VPCs on Alibaba Cloud?

Author:  venay [ Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Create a VPN connection between two VPCs on Alibaba Clou

You have to follow few simple steps for creating a Virtual Private Network connection between two Virtual Private Clouds, on Alibaba Cloud.

• You need to log in to your console and navigate to Network>Virtual Private Cloud.
• Click and Activate.
• You have to create a VPC. Fill all the basic information for creating a VPC.
• You will immediately receive a prompt, once you are successful in creating a Virtual Private Cloud.
• Please create a V Switch. Once you have created a Virtual Private Cloud, you need to create a V Switch. You have the option to create a number of V Switches back to back.
• Please ensure your range of Classless Inter Domain Routing or super netting, otherwise known as CIDR, for your Virtual Private Clouds and your V Switches. It must not clash with other Virtual Private Cloud when you connect to over Virtual Private Network.

Your job is done.

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