
Differences between Alibaba Cloud, AWS CDN and Akamai China
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Author:  Lakshit [ Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Differences between Alibaba Cloud, AWS CDN and Akamai China

What are the differences between Alibaba Cloud CDN, AWS CDN and Akamai China coverage?

Author:  Jayesh [ Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Differences between Alibaba Cloud, AWS CDN and Akamai Ch

Content delivery Network or CDN is one of the major Cloud Service that has become immensely popular over the period of last few years. Content Delivery Network is the essential platform for optimising the performance of web content delivery. This is usually done by distributing the web content across a number of servers. This effort is made to reach the content to the server that is closest to the end user.

The Cloud Hosting Service Providers have to cater for an effective Content delivery network to be successful in the Cloud computing market. The Amazon Web Services Content Delivery Network is absent in China. AWS CDN asks the users to sign up somewhere else.

The Content Delivery Network Coverage of Alibaba Cloud CDN and the coverage of Akamai China are equivalent. Akamai is a separate and isolated entity and network.

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