
What Are The Major Differences Between Cloud Hosting Server
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Author:  Aastha gupta [ Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  What Are The Major Differences Between Cloud Hosting Server

What Are The Major Differences Between Cloud Hosting Server and VPS Hosting Server?

Author:  admin [ Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Are The Major Differences Between Cloud Hosting Ser

There are key differences between cloud andVPS hosting server. In VPS hosting, even if virtualization software divides the users from each other, you are not entirely isolated from being affected by other users on your server. In cloud hosting, redundancy makes seamless transition to the other servers in a network possible when there is an issue of hardware failure. VPS servers are hosted off-site at a third-party web hosting provider while the cloud server is at a datacenter owned by you. VPS servers are less expensive than cloud servers as users have to deal with management and maintenance on their own. Cloud servers are more easily and quickly scalable than VPS servers.

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