
How Does SAP HANA Work with SOAP?
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Author:  Nishant Singha [ Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  How Does SAP HANA Work with SOAP?

How Does SAP HANA Work with SOAP?

Author:  Saumya sinha [ Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How Does SAP HANA Work with SOAP?

The business world is adopting the cloud technology in a big way. Several companies are offering their services via the internet and SAP too is moving to the cloud at a drastic pace. The SAP HANA Cloud Integration(HCI) ensures assimilation from on-premise to the cloud and cloud to cloud integration.

The process of connectivity between On-premise and the Cloud is done by the (on premise) web service SOAP and (Cloud) SAP HCI to successfully build a cloud solution. There are certain tools that are used in the process which includes SOAP. The tools must be downloaded on your computer system.

SOAP is an acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol. The XML- based messaging protocol is designed to create a communication channel between two networks or computers.

SOAP is a web services client that communicates with another web server service using the HTTP protocol for downloading the data. The SOAP protocol is useful for exchanging XML messages between distributed environments.

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