
How is the physical security at your data centers?
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Author:  gini singh [ Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  How is the physical security at your data centers?

How is the physical security at your data centers?

Author:  admin [ Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How is the physical security at your data centers?

Go4hosting.in owns world class data centers in different geographical locations providing highly resilient, secured and performance-driven solutions. Our data centers are designed to resist everything from terrorist activities to natural disasters.

For ensuring the physical security of our data centers, they are built on the right spots – at a fair distance from headquarter (about 20 miles) and over 0.5 mile away from the main road. No airport, chemical facilities or power plant comes in its periphery. Also, they do not fall under earthquake fault lines or areas prone to hurricane and flood. Data centers walls are capable of bearing small elements explosions.

In addition, Go4hosting has adhered stringent security measures, such as – retractable crash barriers at vehicle entry point, control access to the data centers with only one main entrance, fire doors exit. We have installed plenty of CCTVs around perimeter of the data center building, at every entry and exit point for round-the-clock video surveillance, biometric print scanners at entry gate and alarms for security breach.

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